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Astrology Readings for Richard in 2016

The goal of this page is to provide an ongoing discussion of the Full and New Moon transits to your natal chart. Let it guide you to greater self-understanding. Let it be a gift for you to help plan a better future for yourself. Much love and wisdom to you.

Full Moon January 23, 2016
New Moon January 9, 2016

January 23, 2016 Full Moon transit discussion

Sun-FullMoon squares Nodes: your motivations are called into question. Are you really living your dream, your life purpose? Actually, are you really doing what is important in your life, or are you squandering your time and energy? It would be good to contemplate this in advance of the Full Moon and have prayers and plans ready for when this time comes.

Mars sextile Mars: a time of easy action and attention to the mysteries. Probing intellect and instinct acts on mysterious events, acts mysteriously.

Mars square Uranus, waning: two or three days earlier, I'm surprised by the quick, unexpected actions of others. Otherwise, my strangeness and eccentricity may cause others to act unpleasantly and perhaps rudely.

Venus conjunct Sun-Jupiter midpoint: a happy, optimistic time. Women are supportive and playful. Venus trine Pluto: power hand-shaking with women. Women play with my vulnerabilities. With the Jupiter connection, this isn't very hurtful to me or them.

Jupiter in waxing conjunction to Part of Fortune: expanding luck and prosperity. Could this really be the time when I might win big in the lottery? or in some other way?

Mercury-Pluto semisquare Sun, sesquiquadrate Pluto: a stepping up to the challenge is required, or else a slapdown can happen.

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January 9 New Moon transit discussion

Transits to Natal

Mercury Rx, 29Cap Conjunct Venus waning, Mercury square Jupiter.
A exaggerated sense of urgency and intensity communicating what you love and value, also urgent and frustrated communications with women. Impatience with communication. When communication is occurring successfully, it is very fulfilling. Can try to express too much, however, and be thwarted or wasted in it.

New Moon at 19 Capricorn conjunct Venus=Mars
Love and sexuality is highlighted. This is near Lyn's birthday, so memories and regrets can surface and take some prominence. This can be a sweet time, as well, however, since the unification of Venus and Mars themes brings comfort to the being.

Nodal axis squares the MC-IC axis, Jupiter-North Node conjunct Asc: your reputation and your foundations are on public display and are under stress. How you are conducting your affairs regarding career and home and family are called into question - internally and externally. New possibilities may be getting explored. This is a big deal and is a source of ongoing feelings of stress. However, with Jupiter blessing the axes, you are supported and made lucky.

Jupiter approaching conjunction to Part of Fortune: a period of luck, especially concerning spirituality and hidden affairs.

Sun-NewMoon(4) trine Part of Fortune - a lucky time. Luck and prosperity are illuminated. Using luckiness and prosperity is highlighted. This could be a good day to buy a lottery ticket. The Jupiter-Part of Fortune conjunction is waxing for at least a month, if not longer. Could be a great time to buy lottery tickets, especially when the Moon or Venus or other planets are at 19 degrees of any sign.

Mars conjunct North Node: Taking action on destiny themes. Considering long term goals and aspirations. A good time to take actions for Mom and mothers. This period lasts several days.

Uranus sextile Mercury: Inventive and original thought. Fast thinking and expressing, needs multi-modal expression.

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    Significant New Moon Transits to Natal chart
  • Sun-Moon conjunct Venus=Mars
  • Pluto semi-square Sun
  • Mercury conjunct Venus
  • North Node conjunct Ascendant, in 12th house.
  • Sun-Moon conjunct Venus=Mars
  • Mars conjunct North Node
    Significant New Moon transits
  • Sun-Moon conjunct Pluto
  • Uranus square Pluto
  • Sun-Moon trine Jupiter
  • Mercury trine Jupiter
  • Mercury square Mars
  • Jupiter QD Neptune
  • Mars Quintile Pluto
  • Venus square Neptune
  • Saturn square Neptune
  • Venus conjunct Saturn
  • Venus trine Uranus
  • Mars trine Neptune
  • Saturn trine Uranus
  • Jupiter conjunct North Node
  • Mercury is retrograde
  • Jupiter is retrograde

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